
Unchain 2nd ~ 気弱なおっさんが ネットの匿名性を良い事に 浮き世のしがらみにとらわれず 言いたいことを言い 書きたいことを書く たしかそんなblogだった

デベロッパー版のAndroidマーケットに音楽アプリが登場? #androidjp


The Android Test Market…? | Tech From 10

Visually the test Market is almost no different to the normal Market, save for the weird preview scroll bar at the top and the complete lack of paid apps or even the paid app section within the Market. Everything behaves exactly as you would expect for the Market.

There is one thing that gave away what we were currently looking at: the inclusion of many, many apps labeled “test” or things such as “replace app ch” and “testinapp1_r15″. Very few actual apps are in this test Market, and all are older apps such as Bonsai Blast, Solitaire and Barcode Scanner. Interestingly, several of the standard Google applications are instead published by “Android Market Test”


 - androidニュース