
Unchain 2nd ~ 気弱なおっさんが ネットの匿名性を良い事に 浮き世のしがらみにとらわれず 言いたいことを言い 書きたいことを書く たしかそんなblogだった

WinMoSquare Beta リリース


(以下 メールより引用)

■WinMoSquare Beta (2010.08.21.01)


* Added leaderboard
* Added in-app maps
* Added specials
* Added mayor icon to friend’s list
* Added mayor informaiton to venue details
* Updated app icon
* Added in-app friend request
* Added user history
* Added support for both male and female default user icons
* Improved lists can now return more than 50 items
* Added specials here icon to venue list and detail screens
* Added distance to venue in venue list
* Added score panel
* Added the ability to edit a venue
* Added the ability to flag a venue as mislocated
* Added the ability to flag a venue as duplicate
* Added the ability to flag a venue as closed
* Added support for venue tips
* Added support for viewing user photo full size
* Added ability to follow Touchality on Twitter
* Added ability to friend Touchality on foursquare
* Added in-app change log
* Added venue category icons
* Added user agent header to all web requests
* Improved code to determine location based off cell tower
* Improved code to determine location based off wifi connections
* Improved code to determine location based of IP address
* Better error and exception handling
* and a WHOLE lot more


 - WindowsMobile, お知らせ